Frequent Asked Questions

Version française

Welcome on our FAQ page.

You will find the questions and answers regarding the association whether you be a member or not.

If you have some question you would like to have answered, feel free to write us. We will try all what is possible to answer the most rapidly.

List of questions/answers:

Q001: How can I become a member?
A001: To become a member, There are several possibilities:
  • Be actif in a project of the association
  • Participate in the life or management of the association
  • Have an idea of project AND have written it in 4 or 5 pages

Q002: What is the fee for the year 2001?
A002: Null :-)

Q003: Where can I find the status of the association?
A003: Click here to go to the English translation of the status of D2SET. In a next update of the site, they will also be available on each page that has a menu by clicking on the picture at the bottom of the menu. If you try at present, you will have the French and legal version of the status.

Q004: Why there is no site map?
A004: Be happy, it is online: the sitemap in technicolor

Q005: How to add content on D2SET site? Previous Projets
A005: If you want one of your previous project to be published online, the better is to leave a LaTex file at the adress : Projets/.
Other formats are accepted, but avoid Word because of possible virus problems (if you only have a Word document, save it in RTF format).

Q006: How to add content on D2SET site? Download zone
A006: To add archives to be downloaded from the D2SET site, leave it at the adress : download/.
Archives must contain the files to be downloaded and a description file (subject, authors, platform, licence). Archives will be processed by the project team and published on the Download page of the D2SET site.

Q007: How to add content on D2SET site? Glossary
A007: Only French version for now.
Even if only a French version of the Glossary is available for the moment, you can propose new English terms and definitions. To do that, you can use a form : glossaire/
The project team receives these informations by e-mail, checks and eventually corrects the definition. The definition will be published online in the next updating of the glossary.

Q008: How to add content on D2SET site? Commented Links
A008: Even if only a French version of the Useful Links is available for the moment, you can propose new English sites. Your commented useful links must be leaved at :

      Titre (title): The TOTO programming language
      Interet (interest) : ***
      Resume (summary): All what you want to know about the TOTO.
      Online lessons and exercises. A complete list of
      interesting web sites related to TOTO programming
      language. A mailing-list to ask question about this
      imaginary computer language.
      Auteur (author): Joe TOTO (toto@nowhere.en)
      Langue (language): English
      Sources : http://www.toto.en/

The author can be an institution. Resume between 3 and 15 lines.

Q009: How to add content on D2SET site? Profiles
A009: D2SET helps its members to be visible on Internet. Each member have the possibility to publish his/her profile (list of his/her realizations).
To create a new profile or modify one, there are two possibilities :
  1. to use a form : profils/Encore plus facile%2C un formulaire pour remplir v. Chouette non%3F/
    The project team receive the informations by e-mail, processes them to generate XML file. This XML file will be used to generate the online version.
  2. The file profile-xavier-20012000a.xml is an example of XML file and the file profile-xavier-20012000a.html shows the result after XSL processing.
ATTENTION : You can use HTML anchor (links) like this <a href="http://the page">http://the page</a>. Do not use other formatting tags like lists, tables, ...
REMARK : When possible give both English and French versions.