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Computer science research engineer

Place: Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale (IAS), Orsay.
Date:Since July 1999
Summary:I'm working on the data pipeline of the future ESA's Planck satellite (to be launched in 2007).

Project:Erosion on a Digital Terrain Model
Place: Laboratoire Informatique et Sciences de la Terre (LIST)
Date:May - June 1999
Summary:The aim of this project was to simulate of erosion on a digital terrain model. Each effect is described very basically, but the program allows great flexibility in their interaction. It was thus possible to combine the effects of atmospheric and flow erosion, with sediment transport and deposition. This program features an interactive colorful 3D visualization.

Project:Delaunay Triangulation of a set of points
Place: Laboratoire Informatique et Sciences de la Terre (LIST)
Date:January 1999
Summary:This project was part of my Software Engineering Course and was dedicated to the developpment of a geomatics toolkit. From a random sample of points on a topographic map, a complete triangle-based mesh is constructed, using the Delaunay construction, leading to an "optimal" solution.

Project:PhD Thesis in Physics
Place: SRSI Laboratory, Paris VI University
Date:November 95 - November 98
Summary:My thesis deals with the simulation of concurrent growth and corrosion, by means of on-lattice models in the manner of Eden's model. This study is focused on the behaviour of passivation layers found in liquid cathod lithium batteries.