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- Mathieu LAFAGE
 Francine LE PEINTRE
- Xavier OUTHIER


Last updated on 30-Aug-2001.

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       Francine LE PEINTRE

Version française

PhD student in "Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale", Orsay University

Project: PhD
Place: Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, Orsay (France)
Date: Since December 1998
Summary: elaboration and applications of a numerical radiative transfert model, in order to simulate infrared emission by interstellar dust grains in dense clouds.

Project: work as part of the PhD (CIFRE Scholarship)
Place: CYBEL compagny, Paris (France)
Date: Since December 1998
Summary: Updating of web pages and databases.

Project: computer project for Orsay University degree on applied computer science
Place: Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, Orsay (France)
Date: March-September 1998
Summary: first steps of the numerical transfert model that I presently work on as PhD student

Project: Poster presentation about IAS ; "L'univers, reves et realites"
Place: Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, Orsay (France)
Date: June-September 1997
Summary: My work was to gather materials and make pagesetting for thirty posters presenting the work of Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale staff. These posters had been afterwards displayed in Bures-Sur-Yvette (France) town hall for a public show in October 1997.

Project: "DEA" project
Place: Observatoire de Paris, Paris (France)
Date: March-July 1995
Summary: building of an automatic procedure for sorting variable stars lightcurves, using a neural network.

Project: master degree project
Place: Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, Paris (France)
Date: May-July 1994
Summary: 1) Same as a previous project (see below) about variable stars ; 2) studies of galaxy clusters observed by the ROSAT X-ray satellite

Project: bachelor's degree project
Place: Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, Paris (France)
Date: June-July 1993
Summary: Study of variable stars lightcurves in the Great Magellanic Cloud, in the scope of the EROS survey for black matter search.

http:/ / en/ presentation/ profiles/ Francine_LE_PEINTRE.html