Launching coupling efficiency calculation from optical system to single
mode fiber
Technical documentation and User Manual.
Xavier Outhier
August 4, 1997
Abstract and introduction
The aim of this short
report is to let a trace of the work done during 10 weeks at the Czech
Technical University of Prague (Czech Republic) at the Faculty of Nuclear
Physics in the department of Physical Electronics under the responsibility
of Pr. Fiala. This report resumes the problem to solve and the implemented
solution. The problem is to make a numerical code to compute the coupling
efficiency of ligth that passed through an optical system to a single-mode
fibre. We focus on the interface between the exit pupil plane of the optical
system and the fiber. We suppose we know the field distribution of the
source at the exit-pupil plane, the total aberration at the same plane
and the relative position of the fiber with this plane. The solution is
based upon the far field point of view [3] that permits to rely on with
already existing ray-tracing programs for the computation of the incoming
distribution of ligth. Moreover this permits to manage general aberration
that is harder if the near-field point of view is used. The code itself
is written in ANSI C/C++ and was tested on an Indy Sillicon Graphics under
unix system.
A complete
documentation is available in
Postscript format:
(325 KB)
PDF format:
(215 KB) (*)
They are also availalbe in a zip format
zipped Postscript format:
(70 KB)
zipped PDF format:
(111 KB) (*)
Download the softwares to read these files on your platform. It's for free:
Codes sources archives (**) :
Source archive in UNIX format in tar.gz
Source archive in DOS format in zip
Authors and contact
The author is
Xavier Outhier
. Feel free to
write me
for any question.
The list might enlarge some persons are currently updating the code.
(*) The quality is not really good regarding text. Ghostview converter was used to convert from .ps to .pdf.
(**) Sources use librairy complex (that was on Sillicon Graphics I used). This is not ANSI C++
(C++ was not standadized at that time). It might be necessary to make some changed regarding that.
If you adapt it to use the STL I will be pleased to add your version on this page.